News and Events

Mark Garratt, Partner & Co-Founder presenting to the Restaurant Association’s Marketing Executives Group

In this talk, Mark Garratt, Partner & Co-Founder of in4mation insights, will demonstrate how analytical approaches can help identify the best marketing strategies where they intersect with unique – and today – evolving restaurant operations. For more registration information, click here

For more registration information, click here

in4mation insights to present at the Quirk’s 2020 Virtual Event

Trends in the Time of COVID-19: What Does the Before and After Look Like?

in4mation insights to present at MADS 2020 Virtual Event

Keeping Market Mix Going During COVID-19 – Five Things To Watch Out For

Trends in the time of Covid-19: What will the before and after look like? March Webinar hosted by in4mation insights and our partner, Converseon.AI

We have been hard at work looking at some of the fundamental shifts that may be occurring in how consumers think, feel and buy in the current environment we are all facing. Beyond how consumers feel about the fashions they are interested in or the ingredients they put in their body or on their face, […]

in4mation insights launches Dynamic Marketing Mix at the Marketing Analytics and Data Science (MADs East) conference December 2nd in New York City

in4mation insights is joined by Chipotle in presenting a much needed innovation in the marketing mix and pricing space – the concept of time varying parameters (TVPs). During our session we will share how we have broken the code on operationalizing the integration of Time Varying Parameters into predictive modeling and the value this delivers […]

in4mation insights joined by Unilever for webinar on Signal Spotting Trend Predictions on 11/06/2019

Everyone know that there are early conversations in social data that are forerunners of the next Hard Seltzer trend or the move to avocado showing up as an ingredient in your hand cream. However, using this data in a way that predicts which of these early trends will grow, versus those that will fizzle away, […]

in4mation insights to partner with Converseon for webinar on trend discovery on 9/25/2019

This webinar will provide a clear approach on how to apply machine learning language technology to massive, unstructured data sets in order to create predictive models of what may be the next “it” ingredient, color, flavor, or pack size. We will share specific case examples of how some of the largest CPG brands are using […]

in4mation insights is pleased to announce Mark Garratt, Partner & Co-founder, will be presenting at Quirk’s Chicago on 4/3/2019

Mark Garratt, Partner & Co-founder, will be delivering a presentation entitled Using Social Media to Predict New Product Success

in4mation insights is pleased to announce that Steve Cohen, Partner & Co-founder, will be presenting at Quirk’s Brooklyn on 3/6/2019

Steve Cohen, Partner & Co-founder, will be delivering a presentation entitled New Tools for Market Segmentation

Stay tuned for exciting news about in4mation insights!